StanzaJS Discussion - 2020-01-30

  1. Alacho94 Attempting a message
  2. Alacho94 Sorry, I'm just testing my own client with the library :)
  3. marc0s looks like it worked, Alacho94 🙂
  4. Alacho It did 😃 I'm just trying to get to know it all. Sorry for sending messages that might not make sense
  5. Alacho How are you?
  6. Kris Alacho: got a repository link to your client?
  7. Alacho Not at the moment. It's my bachelor thesis
  8. Alacho If I'm lucky, it will be implemented in
  9. marc0s > Sorry for sending messages that might not make sense You'll probably want to do such tests in a dedicated chatroom or one-to-one chat, not that is disturbing, but to keep things in their own place 🙂
  10. Kris XMPP integration in Vivaldi, cool
  11. Alacho marc0s Yes, that's the plan 🙂 We're working on setting up our server right now
  12. Alacho Kris We'll see. There is no guarantee that it will ever see the light of day. We might do a shitty job xD